Better Horse Care When You’re Not a Youngster Anymore
How can you provide better horse care as you grow a little older? Maybe you’re not a strong as you once were, but you can probably do some things to make your horse care tasks easier. We’ll look at horse care methods and gadgets that work, and some that don’t work, to get your horse care done. Here’s Paul Sherland talking about better horse care.
Summary of the Better Horse Care Video
– – Howdy friends, my name is Paul Sherland with We’re going to be talking about horse care as one of the topic areas in, and why is that important for someone who’s maybe a little bit older?
I think it’s important because whether you’re young or old, you want to provide great care for your horses, but as you get a little bit older, maybe some of the things that you were able to do when you were younger, you’re not able to do anymore.
I’m thinking of things like working with hooves, trimming hooves, that sort of thing. If your horse isn’t cooperative, as you get older, you’re not going to be able to horse the horse around and make him cooperative if he’s, if he or she is unwilling.
So, we’ll be working on better horse training, but also horse care tips that maybe will help you provide your care more safely and with less physical effort. Some of the horse care tips won’t be focused on being older.
Some of the tips will be focused on labor saving and some of the tips won’t be, but I hope they’ll be useful to you. They’ll be what works for me, and I hope you’ll share what works for you.
So, I appreciate your participation. I appreciate it if you’d be willing to share some of your experiences, what works for you and what doesn’t work for you, and I look forward to learning from you.