Saddle Up Again – Better
Let’s share information that helps us all ride again, better, and work with our horses better. Your participation will make this website a more valuable resource for everyone.
We ride horses. Do we find ourselves forgetting how ridiculously amazing that is?
Paul Belasik, Dressage for No Country
Many of us have more time to spend with our horses as we step back a bit from careers, child raising, and other responsibilities. We may also discover new priorities and a revived eagerness to learn.
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Age is meant for the revival of the spirit. Age is meant to allow us to play — with ideas, with projects, with friends, with life.
Joan Chittister, The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully
Saddle Up Again gathers information and tips from a wide range of sources for riding better, remaining fit longer, caring for your horse better and training your horse better in midlife and beyond. It’s not associated with any one trainer or method of horsemanship. It doesn’t focus on one riding discipline. The goal of Saddle Up Again is to sort through various ideas, teachings and methods to highlight information that might be useful to riders and their horses as they age.
Some people will ride a horse as long as the horse lives and they will never get what I try to get as early as I can, for a foundation. I don’t mean that I’m trying to get everything completed, but to get enough there to where if the horse gets troubled he will come to me; or to where I can get to him to come to me for security and cover. Without that foundation I feel very insecure with a horse.
Tom Dorrance – True Unity: Willing Communication between Horse and human
There’s a relationship, trust, connection component to horsemanship that I treasure. Looking back over more than 30 years of owning horses, I’ve been able to separate my horses into two groups — the good relationship horses and the poor relationship horses. The good relationship horses have taken care of me and “filled in” for me in various demanding situations. The poor relationship horses have caused injuries and fostered a fear of riding. It’s become obvious that it’s more fun and safer to build a trusting relationship with my horses.
If you are fond of a horse and wish to do him a favor ? train him well. Teach him good manners, good habits, both in the stable and under saddle. You need never worry about the future of such a horse if for any reason, you may have to part with him. You assure him of friends wherever he goes. Perhaps the greatest kindness you can do any horse is to educate him well.
Australian Horseman Tom Roberts
All of us want a good future for our horses. There are horses that are trained to a high level in various competitive disciplines that are also difficult or even dangerous to handle. Saddle Up Again will always focus on ideas and information that will train our horses and build partnership and communication.
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SaddleUpAgain.com and Rust Reviews, LLC, disclaim all liability for any injuries you may suffer as a result of using information on the website.
Working with horses can be dangerous.? We strongly recommend that you hire a competent trainer to work with you and your horse.
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How to Do a Better Horse Adoption Video for Rescues
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My Version of 10 Year Old Girl Training
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The Horse Human Relationship
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Masterson Method Review — Weekend Seminar and Workshop
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Does Saddle Up Again endorse a trainer or clinician?
No, we’ll be reviewing training strategies and techniques from a variety of trainers and clinicians in a range of disciplines.
How long have you been riding horses?
As a horse-crazy kid, for a couple of years. As an adult, about 30 years.
Will you share subscriber contact information with third parties?
No, we will not.
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Some of the links are affiliate links which might provide a small payment to SaddleUpAgain.com if you use the link and purchase the product or service. It will not cost you more to purchase using those links. Our reviews don’t depend on whether the product is associated with an affiliate link.